"Тысячи подростков страдают избыточным весом, - говорит администратор санатория Мистер Вайт, - многие подростки часто не знают как питаться правильно и оставаться здоровыми, как Карена". Карене было 13 лет.Она весила 110 кг и была ростом 1м 55см. Карен обычно ела большую миску овсянки с несколькими ложками сахара на завтрак. В школе она всегда покупала шоколад на перемене и во время ланча она ела жареного цыпленка и жареный картофель. Во время ужина Карена обычно ела много жареной еды, и она часто съедала пакет печенья или коробку шоколадных конфет перед телевизором. Иногда она покупала Китайскую еду или пицу перед тем, как ложиться спать. Карена никогда не ела фрукты и очень редко свежие овощи. Ее основное упражнение было - переключать телевизионные каналы или открывание дверцы холодильника. Санаторий Карене с ее диетой и с планом занятий. Сейчас она ест много фруктов и овощей и постоянно ходит плавать - до этого она никогда не занималась спортом, поэтому она всегда беспокоилась о своем размере. Сейчас она весит 60 кг и все еще теряет вес. Мистер Вайт говорит:"Подростки часто приходят в санаторий подавленные и неуверенные. Когда они покидают нас, они обычно счастливие и намного уверенее в себе".
Communication has always been a matter of great importance. As technology has been developing rapidly during the last decades, we now have many means of communication, such as computer, cell phones and cars. I can't imagine a day without my computer!
First of all, the PC has a large memory. I can store a lot of information on it. For example, photos, various programmes, texts and games.
Secondly, computer is the best device to use to get the internet access. It has a large screen, which is really convenient when you read some news on the net or just surf it.
Finally, I simply got used to it. Every day I need to turn my computer on. That makes me feel calm and gives the sense of stability. By doing it I make sure everything is just as usual.
So, I think I can't do without my PC. That's a great part of my life.
BTS came from a small company, they started with nothing. Jin, who was only accepted because of his appearance. Suga, who left his family and dropped out of school to do what he really wanted to do. Rep Mon, who was never supported by his parents. Jimin who thought he was ugly and fat. V, who has always been a part of BTS but never showed up in any promotions until they debuted. J-Hope, who always seemed to be laughing but always felt unworthy of his father, and Jungkook, who was always very shy but worked hard to audition for companies.
Remember those days when it was hard for them? They even had to sacrifice a lot and work hard to eat. They huddled in a small apartment and shared responsibilities, which was the reason for writing the song 'Move'. That day, during N.O. era when they were almost disbanded because they did not have enough clearances and money to continue, were they still fighting for their dream? There was also a time when the bantan director asked Namjoon if he wanted to have a solo career or sacrifice it for BTS. He could have become a solo artist since that was his dream, but he didn't. He said BTS is BTS and they will break through! Still, some fans told him to ‘throw the bantan’ and it hurt. Remember the days when they had to use their managers as extra people in their videos because they didn't have enough money? They even asked their managers and staff if they could use or borrow cars just to film 'I Need U' successfully.
Those times when Jimin has to go hungry, just because people call him fat and ugly ... That interview in which Yoongi said that people listen to their music because Tae and Jungkook look good. And he thought that was enough. Remember when Hoseok is supposed to be the vocalist and Tae rapper, but instead he picks rap and studies it because Tae wants to be the vocalist. It was Tae's dream and Hoseok cares so much for his dongsang (junior) that he was willing to do it.
Another fanbase accused them of plagiarism only because their music videos had minute details like the other big K-pop group, which was really just a coincidence.
There was a time when Yoongi packed 300 gifts and letters for 300 fans to attend their mini fan meetings.
So why do people judge them so quickly? Did you know that Jimin came to Seoul from Busan to fulfill his dreams? Did you know that Taehyung lived with his grandmother for almost half of his life, which protected him from everything that happens in this world. Did you know that Jeongguk threw out his embarrassment to meet the expectations of others? Yes, he's a golden maknae, but he also suffers when he sees how hard it is for his hyungs and he cries. There was a time when Jimin caught him crying because he missed his family. Jungkook often secretly cried so his hyungs wouldn't worry. Did you know that Jin auditioned so that his mom would be proud of him and so she had something to brag about to those judgmental neighbors? He worked hard on his vocals, but people still said he had no talent. Did you know that Namjoon worked hard to create songs and yet one day his mom destroyed his computer and broke his microphone so he could focus on his studies. Did you know that Hoseok auditioned because he wanted his dad to be proud of him ... because he felt he disappointed him?
When it all started, when they watched the awards and marveled at the skill of the elders ... They could only watch other idols receive awards. Those days when they were happy with those 300 YouTube views, mini fan meetings, a small following and one Daesang award.
They were happy, they were happy.
And now they have reached the top and become more successful. From 150 fans to 6 million or more. From a small practice room to a large one, from a cramped dormitory with neighbors to a large one with a separate room for each. From one Daesang award to more, and they've even won BBMAs.
BTS never expected that by their fourth birthday they would go so far - so far that the only chance to see them is to go to their concert or (never) meet them on the street with 0.01%.
But really, ARMY! We are always with them. Let's continue to love and support them until the very end! I wanted to thank you all. After all, we are a family. We love BTS. Let's stay together until the end, if you believe in my words ... If you believe in
That's why, I love this T.T. family.
сорян что много(за то про всех)))