Travelling in the city by bike
There are a lot of different ways to get around the city. Some of them are faster, some ways are more convenient than others, but I love cycling.
Cycling has a few advantages. Firstly, it can be enjoyed by almost everyone, regardless of your age or physical ability. Secondly, there are so many types of bicycles to choose from: smaller bikes for kids and teenagers, portable (or folding) bicycles that are relatively small and light enough to be easily carried, road bikes for fast rides, touring bikes which can be ridden on pavement and many others. As far as I know the best bike for casual riding around the neighborhood or bike paths and short-distance commuting is a hybrid bicycle. Thirdly, cycling improves your fitness, muscle flexibility and body coordination. It also decreases stress levels. Fourthly, cycling is an environment-friendly mode of transportation since it reduces pollution and the emission of greenhouse gases. Besides, cycling reduces noise pollution which is a big problem in our cities. Another thing to keep in mind is that you do not have to waste your time in traffic jams. However, there are a few disadvantages. The first one is high risk of getting injured by cars. Even wearing a helmet and a warn vest is not helpful. The second disadvantage is dependency on weather conditions. Riding a bicycle is not recommended in icy, snowy or rainy weather. The third one is that when riding your bike in traffic you inhale the air polluted by petrol and diesel fumes. But the scientists say that the health benefits of cycling still outweigh the risks caused by air pollution.
I think there are enough convincing reasons to prefer cycling to other ways of travelling, but it is important to follow basic safety rules and always be careful.
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