Complete each group of sentences with a word from the box. Pay attention to the collocations. There are TWO extra words.
trendy (adj)
smart (adj)
access (n)
source (n)
pace (n)
transportation (n)
flexible (adj)
valid (adj)
resource (n)
option (n) d
emand (n)
autonomous (adj)
a. We don’t need to buy the house. We also have the to rent it.
b. We can’t stop now. Giving up is no .
c. My father always does the holiday plans for the family and doesn’t give us the to say no.
a. Nusr-Et Steakhouse is a restaurant popular among the local people in Istanbul.
b. Lady Diana’s hairstyle was very in the 1990s.
c. It was very ………. in the ‘80s to have a Walkman.
d. Watching movies on the video player isn’t any more. Now we have many streaming services.
a. 21st-century skills are much in
b. Businesses have a for more experienced graduates.
c. The of parents for a better pre-school education should be considered by the government.
d. There is a growing public for a healthier environment.
a. Could you slow down? I can’t keep with you.
b. I don’t like the of modern life.
c. The economic crisis in the country is growing at an alarming .
d. Everybody learns at his own . We cannot speed up or slow it down.
a. Tesla ………… cars are as intelligent as humans.
b. An …………… machine or system is able to operate by itself.
c. Tibet is an ………….region of the People’s Republic of China.
d. Once you get a job and move out of your family house, you will be
an …………………. member of the family.
a. Our country’s greatest ………. is its young population.
b. The UAE has rich ………………s of oil.
c. This book is a valuable …………. for researchers.
d. The Earth has limited natural ………..s, so we have to recycle them.
a. You can have a more body if you regularly practice Yoga.
b. The body of an octopus is so that it can squeeze itself even through a very tiny hole.
c. Businesses have to be to adapt to change.
d. My schedule is I can meet with you any time any day.
a. You must have a driver’s license to drive a car.
b. A credit card is often not accepted as a ………. form of I.D.
c. For the experiment to be ……….., we have to record the data accurately.
a. The only to the castle is by boat.
b. The internet gives you instant to any information you might need.
c. Hackers gained to NASA computers and stole some data.
d. Our university has an online library system. All students can gain to it from home.
a. Bicycle a is a cheap and efficient means of ………..
b. Using public …………. can help solve a lot of urban problems.
c. No economy can succeed without an efficient communication and ………. system.
d. The automobile has completely changed .
When I go out at weekends, there is a lot of pressure to drink and smoke. But "Every man is the architect of his own fortune", says the proverb. And I always remember this saying. I, personally, don`t smoke and don`t drink alcohol. I go in for sports. I know another proverb - "A sound mind in a sound body". That`s why, I prefer sportto alcohol and tobacco.
I spend a lot of time at the school sportground. I regularly make new discoveries in myself when I am left alone with my will-power. I go in for sports because I am fond of being strong. Sport is my life. It is the choice of strong-willed people. Alcohol and drugs are for weak-willed ones.
Make your choice! Let your choice be right. Be strong. Overcome your laziness. Remember: "Idleness is mother of all vices". Give up bad habits. Go in for sports!
перевод если надоВ наше время курение и распитие спиртных напитков среди подростков являются очень популярными занятиями. Всё больше и больше молодых людей обращаются к наркотикам и алкоголю. Мы не можем оставаться равнодушными. Мы должны бороться с этими вредными привычками, потому что наше общество в опасности.
Когда я выхожу гулять в выходные дни, всегда может возникнуть соблазн выпить и закурить. Но "Каждый человек - архитектор своего счастья", говорит пословица. Лично я, не курю и не пью алкоголь. Я занимаюсь спортом. И я знаю ещё одну пословицу - "В здоровом теле здоровый дух". Поэтому алкоголю и табаку я предпочитаю спорт.
Много времени я провожу на школьной спортивной площадке. Постоянно делаю новые открытия в себе, когда остаюсь один на один со своей волей. Я занимаюсь спортом, потому что мне нравится быть сильным. Спорт - моя жизнь. Это выбор сильных людей. Алкоголь и наркотики - для слабовольных.
Сделай выбор! Пусть твой выбор будет правильным. Будь сильным. Преодолей свою лень. Помни: "Праздность - мать всех пороков". Откажись от вредных привычек. Займись спортом