1. do ... go: Present Simple (Indefinite), to go. 2. sleeps: Present Simple (Indefinite), to sleep; slept: Past Simple (Indefinite), to sleep. 3. did write: Past Simple (Indefinite), to write. 4. flows: Present Simple (Indefinite), to flow. 5. shall go: Future Simple (Indefinite), to go; will come: Future Simple (Indefinite), to come. 6. Look: Present Simple (Indefinite), to look; is snowing: Present Continuous (Progressive), to snow. 7. were doing: Past Continuous (progressive), to do; were having: Past Continuous (Progressive), to have. 8. don't come: Present Simple (Indefinite), to come; shall be writing: Future Continuous (Progressive), to write. 9. came: Past Simple (Indefinite), to come; were sitting: Past Continuous (Progressive), to sit; were watching: Past Continuous (Progressive), to watch.
Arebella стоп! Подождите ! кто, что ? Его автомобиль очень маленький ! Здравствуйте . это мой двоюродный брат Томми. Здравствуйте . Сейчас вы ? l м очень хорошо. Что Арабелла дом . это страшно . О, это ужасный дом ! Да , Арабелла ls ужасным человеком. - Отто актера ?Нет, он есть в магазине. В магазине ? это продовольственный магазин ? l m hungry ! Да это продовольственный магазин, но ... здорово ! Берти ! Подождите! Куда ты идешь ? l m going to otto магазин ! Нет, подождите! otto магазин ... что ты делаешь бу ? На что вы смотрите?
1. They collected postcards. ->
They did not collect postcards.
2. You jumped high. - You did not jumped high.
3. Albert played squash. - Albert did not played squash.
4. The teacher tested our English. -The teacher did not tested our English.
5. Fiona visited her grandma. - The teacher did not tested our English.
6. He washed the car. - He did not washed the car.