1. We were not having lunch in the canteen.
2. She was not singing a lovely song.
3. You were not speaking to your boss.
4. George was not sitting in the armchair by the fireplace.
5. Jane and Margaret were not going to the airport.
6. The baby was not crying.
7. It was not getting dark.
8. We were not waiting for my cousin.
9. The woman was not watching the children on the playground.
10. The tourists were not taking photos in front of the palace.
Как это работает:
После were или was просто поставить not, или поменять их на weren't и wasn't соответственно.
На будущее:
С is все тоже самое, либо is not, либо просто isn't.
В понедельник у нас четыре урока. Первый урок-русский. Начало в 8.30. Я выхожу из дома в 8.00 и прихожу за несколько минут до звонка. Я нахожу классную комнату на втором этаже. На этом уроке мы пишем диктант и делаем несколько упражнений. Ник подходит к доске. Он знает свой урок и получает "пятерку".
Второй урок-английский. На этом уроке мы говорим по-английски, читаем некоторые тексты и слушаем диалоги. Учитель заставляет нас повторять новые слова несколько раз. Она говорит: “Нет боли, нет выгоды”. Мы очень голодны и после второго урока идем в столовую. Я съедаю бутерброд и выпиваю чашку чая.
1) 1. No, it isnt. 2 The store is on Manhattan's Upper East Side. It was Mr Lee. His workday starts at midnight. The store's open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. When he gets back from the market.
2) 1.every day, 2.on Sundays, 3.hardly ever 4.at midnight 5. in the evening, 6. still, 7. always, 8. on Upper East Side
3) 1. an, 2. a, 3. the, the, 4+5 нетреба, 6. a, 7. the, 8. -, 9. -, a, 10. the, 11. the
4) 1.her 2.them, 3.his,him 4.they, 5.their, 6. them, 7. our, 8. us, 9. her, 10.its, 11. them
5) 1. in, 2. - , 3.for, from, about, 4.in, 5.of, 6.at, is, 7. - , 8.be, 9.be
тут трохи не дописувано але 90% зроблено
We were not having
She was not Singing
You were not speaking
George was not sitting
5..were not going
6. Was not crying
7. It was not Getting dark
8 Were not watching
9. Was not watching
10 Were not taking