You can play different games with friends. You can comunicate with other kids. You can ask question to teachers. You can sing songs together near the fire at night. You can swim in the river.
You must not speak rudely to anybody.
You must not cross the street when the red traffic light is.
You must not go out without warm clothes in winter.
You must not speak to a stranger.
You must not орen the door for people you don't know.
For the first time the lotto appeared in Genoa (Italy) in the 16th century. The game immediately gained immense popularity, but after a while it was banned by the Venetian Senate as a gamble. In Russia, the lotto appeared only in the eighteenth century and immediately aroused great interest.
Rules of the game On the map in three rows and nine columns there are 15 random numbers of 5 in a row; the number of tens of digits corresponds to the column number on the left, counting from zero; 90 is placed in the last column. The game is that the players close on the cards numbers, from 1 to 90, designated on special chips (more often wooden or plastic kegs). One of the participants in the game (usually in turn in each round) names the numbers that he reads on the "dark" chips taken from the bag. The player who previously closes all numbers or one or more horizontal rows on his card wins. вроде бы так.
На : хобби у подростков в нашей стране совершенно разные кто-то занимается спортом кто-то танцами.ну и тому подобное. но больше всего времени подростки проводят за компьютерами и телефонами. ну например мои одноклассники ходят кто то на рисование,кто-то на теннис,кто-то на танцы. мое хобби это аниме. смотря аниме я все больше узнаю о мире.например в аниме "атака титанов" или "хвост феи"может аниме это все лишь и японские произведение но я узнаю много нового,много того что я не знала. на : hobbies adolescents in our country are quite different someone engaged in sports someone and the like. but most of the time young people spend on the computers and phones. well, like my classmates go to someone drawing, someone at tennis, someone dancing. my hobby is anime. watching anime i learn more about mire.naprimer anime "attack on titan" or "fairy tail" maybe it's just an anime and japanese work but i learned a lot, a lot of what i did not know
You can comunicate with other kids.
You can ask question to teachers.
You can sing songs together near the fire at night.
You can swim in the river.
You must not speak rudely to anybody.
You must not cross the street when the red traffic light is.
You must not go out without warm clothes in winter.
You must not speak to a stranger.
You must not орen the door for people you don't know.