1. Is she beautiful? - Yes, she is 2. Are your friends French? - Yes, they are 3. Does she go to university? - Yes, she does 4. Do they work on Wednesday? - Yes, they do 5. Is it a good plan? - Yes, it is 6. Do you like your job? - Yes, I do 7. Can you bring me that box? - Yes, I can 8. Are Nick and you from Germany? - Yes, they are 9. Can she drive a car? - Yes, she can 10. Does Rick want to go to Europe? - Yes, he does
Exercise 2 Дай краткие отрицательные ответы на вопросы Example: Is he rich? - No, he isn't 1. Does she play the piano? - ... ; 2. Are you busy today? - No, I am not 3. Do your parents read newspapers? - No, they don't 4. Do you know Frank? - No, I don't 5. Is it a problem? - No, it is not 6. Can you try to be at home in time? - No, I can't 7. Does he love you? - No, he does not 8. Is your dog ill? - No, it is not 9. Are the students attentive today? - No, they are not 10. Can he take me to the downtown? - No, he can't
Exercise 3 Переведи предложения на английский язык Ты американец? - Нет; Are you American? - No, I am not Ты живёшь в Америке? - Да; - Do you live in America? - Yes, I do Он знает меня? - Нет; - Does he know me? - No, he does not У них есть родственники в Аргентине? - Да; Do they have relatives in Argentina? Ты можешь остаться со мной? - Да; Can you stay with me? - Yes, I can Джессика может позвонить мне? - Нет. Она занята; Jassica can call me? - No, she can't. She is busy Ты должен учить английский? - Да; - Have you to learn English? Yes, I have Твои дети сейчас в школе? - Нет; Are your children at school? - No, they are not Она хочет, чтобы у неё были друзья в Италии? - Да. - Does she want friends in Italy?- Yes, she does
1. Yes, she is. 2. Yes, they are. 3. Yes, she does. 4. Yes, they do. 5. Yes, it is. 6. Yes, I do. 7. Yes, I can. 8. Yes,we are 9. Yes, she can. 10. Yes, he does.
1. No, she doesn't 2. No, I am not 3. No, they don't. 4. No, I don't. 5. No, it isn't 6. No, I can't 7. No, he doesn't 8. No, it isn't 9. No, they aren't 10. No, he can't
1. Are you American?- Yes, I am 2.Are you living in America- Yes, I am 3. Are they married?- Yes, we are. 4. Does he know me?- No, he doesn't 5. Do they have relatives in Argentina?-Yes, they do. 6.Can you stay with me?- Yes, I can. 7. Can Jessica call me?- No, she can't. 8. Should you learn English?- Yes, I should. 9. Are your children in school?- No they aren't. 10.Does she want to have friends in Italy?- Yes, she does.
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