3 Complete the text with by, for, in or on. 4 The Kingdom of Lovely is one of many micronations ? the internet. It doesn't exist 2 reality because its territory is a flat in London. Danny Wallace, a British writer, created it? fun. Wallace is the king, but he didn't create the micronation his own. He was helped online by thousands of supporters. In 2005, he organized a party for the micronation's national holiday, 'Lovely Day'. Only citizens who were invited 5 advance could attend. They sang the national anthem of the kingdom, which they knew 6 heart.
I live in Russia, Novosibirsk. I live on the town an hour away, but I would like to quickly settle in the city, as there are more opportunities and entertainment. But I would not want to stay here forever. I want rather to flee from Russia and travel, to explore the world. If I leave, I do not think that ever come back here again. Many may blame me that I'm not a patriot, but I do not care. I just did my heart and do what it wants, not what they think is "right". I would like to spend some time in South Korea, I was very attracted to the country, the local people and culture. I love this nation and their food. Also I would like to live in Spain and Argentina. These countries are lured me like a siren ships. I pulled back the uncertain force. And of course I would like to live in England. The British people are very friendly, I would like to talk to them, hear their pure English. I am madly in love with their accent.But I would not want to stay more than one country for a long time. All my life I want to be in motion, to learn new things, see new fantastic places. Never stop.
Ну на целую страницу тут написать нечего..Добавите от себя что-нибудь) Пища - это то, что необходимо для жизни. Без нее не было бы человека и такой жизни, какая сейчас имеется у нас. Ведь мы живем чтобы радоваться, наслаждаться и любить. Общение с близкими людьми не заменить ни с какой едой. А если жить лишь ради еды, то жизнь будет совсем тусклой. Думаю мы должны есть только для того, чтобы получать необходимую нам энергию для настоящей, веселой жизни! Надо знать меру во всем, в том числе и в еде!