He contents of the letter were quite unexpected, and Tom decided to find out whether it is possible to export (products) to the capital. 2. His salary is very high, but its needs are great.3. In this article you'll find fresh data about how recent months have changed the income per capita, andalso the export and import of Italy.4. Labor Economics deals with labor market issues, explores data on the activity of enterprises, their employees and society as a whole.5. The manufacturer reports that the export of this product requires a license. – I don't think this is very good news for consumers.
1) Jack must read the newspaper in his study. 2) My father will go to the clinic to be EXAMINEd by the clinic. 3) The goods were DELIVERed at the beginning of May. 4) I think we'd better GET OUT of this place right now. 5) Our manager decided NOT to TAKE extra risks. 6) The weather seems to be IMPROVing these days. 7) Most of the beatiful buildings SEEn in Tverskaya Street have been built in the last twenty years. 8) Michael cannot REFUSE to help her with her heavy bags. 9) The letter may have been SENt to the wrong address.
1)what colour is Lizzy?
2)Is Lizzy a goog cat?
Is Lizzy a kitten?
3)Is Lizzy a cat or a dog?
Is Lizzy red or white?