The ultrasound suggests that your wife is seventeen weeks pregnant. Question 2 Подставьте подходящее по смыслу слово: The children's ward is located on the fourth floor of the hospital. Question 3 Side effects from this medication include nausea and depression. Question 4 The physician will be monitoring your health to make sure it isn't cancerous. Question 5 You shouldn't drive because this medicine might make you feel light-headed. Question 6 The patient has asked for some privacy while her family is visiting. Question 7 Discontinue using this cream immediately if it makes you feel itchy. Question 8
Сопоставьте слово и перевод ---где перевод?
You couldn't have inherited the disease because it is not genetic. Question 10 The doctor wrote me a prescription for a new type of pain reliever. Question 11 Your blood count is abnormal, so you may have anaemia.
Это вузовское задание? На каком ты курсе?
1. If doctors could have saved my uncle's life then, they would have done their best.
2. Are you still lying in the sun? - Of course, I am. I have been lying in the sun since last summer and I haven't gotten my skin burnt yet.
3. If he had been in the mood for discussing this matter, I would have spoken to him yesterday.
4. Had you been in bed the whole day yesterday?
5. If our colleague's fault had been proved he would have been punished.
6. I wish I hadn't been responsible for this project.
7. Have you learned this poem yet? - I have been learning it by heart for an hour but I have forgotten it yet
8. If he had been against my proposal, he would have explained it to me.
1. Если бы тогда жизнь моего дяди можно было врачи бы сделали все, что в их силах.
2. Ты все еще загораешь? Конечно! Еще с того лета, и все еще не получил свой загар.
3. Был бы он в настроение обсудить это, я бы еще вчера поговорила с ним.
4. Ты вчера весь день в кровати провалялся?
5. Если бы доказали, что наш коллега виновен, его бы наказали.
6. Вот бы я не был ответственен за этот проект.
7. Выучил уже стих? - Я учил его наизусть в течении часа, но забыл.
8. Если бы он был против моего предложения, он бы мне сказал.