Project. Life in this county 50 years ago. Find some pictures or photos that show life 50 years ago. Label the pictures. • Describe: houses people lived in; conveniences they had; furniture they had; work they did about the house.
1. Larry had left his office by the time it started raining. 2. Bobby had gotten on a bus by the time it started raining. 3. Mr Newman had come into the shop by the time it started raining. 4. The Trembles had finished supper by the time it started raining. 5. Jane had sent an e-mail to her friend by the time it started raining. 6. Lizzy had bought a new swimsuit by the time it started raining. 7. Mrs Mole had started working in the garden by the time it started raining. 8. Sharon had cleaned up the windows by the time it started raining. 9. Rose had driven home by the time it started raining. 10. The Wilsons had spent an hour in the park by the time it started raining.
Для моей семьи нет лучшего места для жизни, чем за городом. Мы живем в тихой сельской местности среди озер с кристально-чистой водой, высоких сосен и зеленых полей. Мы окружены невероятно красивой природой. В городе невозможно наслаждаться такой прекрасной осенью, как в деревне, где вы можете видеть просторы зеленых полей и лесов, а не стены городских домов. Жизнь за городом позволяет нам иметь разных домашних и сельскохозяйственных животных. Большинство семей в сельской местности дружелюбны и поддерживают тесные связи. Люди здесь более мирные, трудолюбивые, и они друг другу. Они могут иметь разные профессии: фермеры, писатели, художники. Но их объединяет глубокая любовь к природе.
2. Bobby had gotten on a bus by the time it started raining.
3. Mr Newman had come into the shop by the time it started raining.
4. The Trembles had finished supper by the time it started raining.
5. Jane had sent an e-mail to her friend by the time it started raining.
6. Lizzy had bought a new swimsuit by the time it started raining.
7. Mrs Mole had started working in the garden by the time it started raining.
8. Sharon had cleaned up the windows by the time it started raining.
9. Rose had driven home by the time it started raining.
10. The Wilsons had spent an hour in the park by the time it started raining.