I love watching nikateve on it are always interesting movies or cartoon serialy.on I really like it because I watch it not only one but with roditelimi.ya most love to see him after school because it is my favorite all serial.ya porkomendovalby this is a very wonderful TV I like him more than all the others! перевод я люблю смотреть никатеве по нему всегда идут интересные фильмы или мульт сериалы.он мне очень нравиться потому что я его смотрю не только один но и с родителими.я больше всего его люблю посмотреть после школы потому что там идёт мой любимый сериал.я поркомендовалбы всем этот очень замечательный телеканал он мне нравится больше всех других!
1 Vocabulary
20a Listen and match the words in bold with their meanings a-f.
1. Brian got a new laptop. I'm jealous because I've only
got an old computer.
2. The film we saw was terrible. We were very disappointed.
3. I was nervous before the exam, but it was actually very easy.
4. Greg did well in the Maths competition and his parents
were proud of him.
5. The coach is confident that the team will win the next game.
6. I'm confused. Is Mr Blake's office on the second or third floor?
000 OO
a. worried that bad things may happen
b. happy about something you or other
people you know have done
c. feeling sure that you can do something well
d. upset because things haven't happened
the way you expected
e. unhappy and angry because you want
something another person has
f. feeling that you can't think clearly
or understand what is happening
Try to guess
the meaning
of unknown
Math is my favorite school subject. I started to like her from the very first grade. It gives me pleasure to solve examples and problems, as it is very interesting and helps me to learn more. All my acquaintances and friends call me a mathematician.
Math is essential for all people, because we use it every day. For example, to buy food in a store. In many professions, mathematics is used on a daily basis, as they use a lot of mathematical calculations and problems. These professions are engineer, physicist, scientist, programmer and many others.