ответ:Complete the following exchanges using the causative.
1) A: Greta looks very pretty today.
B: Yes, she did her hair yesterday.
2) A: Catherine is spending a lot of money on her wedding.
B: I know. She (her dress is made by a famous designer.
3) A: My washing machine is acting up again.
B: You should call someone and repair it
4) A: The team did really well winning the championship.
B: Yes. They took their picture for the local paper at the moment.
5) A: Why is Harry so upset?
B: He wallet got stole on the way to work.
6) A: When are they coming to service the air-conditioning?
B: We are on the system service next week.
7) A: Did you see the story about the computer hackers on the news?
B: Yes, the government their system got broke in.
8) A: What was Caroline doing when you called her?
B: She was doing her nails
9) A: What's wrong?
B: Someone broke into my house, so now I (instal a bulgar alarm . 10) A: Is this your new sofa?
B: Yes, I delivired it at the weekend.
ответ:Complete the following exchanges using the causative.
1) A: Greta looks very pretty today.
B: Yes, she did her hair yesterday.
2) A: Catherine is spending a lot of money on her wedding.
B: I know. She (her dress is made by a famous designer.
3) A: My washing machine is acting up again.
B: You should call someone and repair it
4) A: The team did really well winning the championship.
B: Yes. They took their picture for the local paper at the moment.
5) A: Why is Harry so upset?
B: He wallet got stole on the way to work.
6) A: When are they coming to service the air-conditioning?
B: We are on the system service next week.
7) A: Did you see the story about the computer hackers on the news?
B: Yes, the government their system got broke in.
8) A: What was Caroline doing when you called her?
B: She was doing her nails
9) A: What's wrong?
B: Someone broke into my house, so now I (instal a bulgar alarm . 10) A: Is this your new sofa?
B: Yes, I delivired it at the weekend.
1) Hummingbirds are amazing little birds. There are many types of them, but they all differ in their modest size and amazing beauty. Hummingbirds are not found in Russia, but you can see them with your own eyes in zoos and ornitariums.More than 350 species are known to live in America from Alaska and Labrador to Tierra del Fuego. Widely distributed in tropical forests, especially in the middle mountains. The size of the hummingbird does not exceed 5 cm, and the weight of the hummingbird is 1.6-1.8 grams.
2) Due to the fact that hummingbirds feed on flower nectar, it turns out that they pollinate flowers. However, hummingbird food is not only flower nectar. In addition to him, these birds also eat small insects and at the same time feed exclusively on the fly.Praying mantises hunt hummingbirds. Praying mantises catch them with their "favorite" method: from an ambush. (They watched the moment when the victim approached them by 5-10 centimeters, grabbed it with their front legs and, holding it, began to eat. Most often, predators bit birds in the head or neck, sometimes they made a hole in the head to get to the brain or ate eyes)
3) hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards or upside down; Libri can fly at speeds up to 70-80 kilometers per hour; Hummingbirds have a huge, by their standards, heart - it is three times the size of the stomach, and takes up more than a third of the volume of their entire body; The hummingbird flaps its wings up to 80 per second. I like this bird because it is very interesting because of its abilities.