В данном задании вам нужно написать открытку (письмо) для вашего лучшего друга, используя правило Present Continuous, также вам даже выдали подсказки (Вопросы которые можно задать другу), это очень интересное задание и далее вы увидите мой ответ.
1. В качестве вашего друга я буду использовать John, вы конечно можете написать другое имя, также нас попросили пропустить приветствие и заключительное предложения поэтому будем работать без них.
ответ: Today I was told that you are leaving Canada. What are you doing at this moment? I hope the plane ride goes well for you, how is the weather there? I hope it's good. Which hotel did you decide to stay at after boarding? Probably again in the most expensive, you are so rich, right? After you've stopped, where will you go? You probably go to the pool as always, I heard you don't like the sea. Well, I wish you good luck and all the best.
Dear (Твое имя).
Getting a Cold
Lucy has a cold. Her nose is blocked, she coughs a lot, and she has a sore throat. She felt fine last night, but now she is very 1)_SICK___. Lucy wants to go 2)__HOME and rest, but she thinks she can’t. She is a student and her essay is due today. She needs to proof read it and print it so the teacher gets it on time. Lucy’s 3)__TEACHER is very strict. He told Lucy that the 4)__ESSAY must be handed in on time. There are eighteen students in the class, and they are all very busy writing their essays. Hopefully, they won’t catch Lucy’s 5) __COLD. If the other students catch colds, they might take several days off school and miss out on study.
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