1) I am going to swim. — Я собираюсь поплавать. 2) You are going to be fine. — С тобой все будет в порядке. 3) He (she, it) is going to come back. — Он вернется. 4) We are going to work. — Мы собираемся работать. 5) You are going to get rich. — Вы разбогатеете. 6) They are going to regret it. — Они об этом Я думаю, коп нас заметит. 2) I will clean myself. - Я уберусь сам. 3) I will do it tomorrow. – Я сделаю это завтра. 4) I will come tomorrow, I promise- Я приду завтра, я обещаю 5) Will you please switch the air - conditioner off? 6) They will make they homework on Friday. – Они сделают их домашнюю работу в пятницу.
It’s not a secret that English is the world’s most popular language. There are more than 300 million native speakers of English. It’s the native language in such countries as Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is also used as an official language in 70 and more countries of the world. This includes, Cameron, India, Pakistan, Fiji, Tanzania, Malaysia, etc. All in all, today there are almost 1000 million people in the world who know English at some extent. Even if they can’t speak fluently, they understand it quite well. English is the top language in many spheres, including business, tourism, science, education, medicine, aviation. At the moment most Internet sites are in English and many youngsters use English alphabet to write text messages. Millions of students worldwide attend language schools to study English, although the best way to learn a foreign language is to merge into native atmosphere. That’s why many students prefer studying in English-speaking countries to improve their language skills. English dominates the media landscape as well. So many films, soaps, song lyrics are in English. And, it’s surprising how many adopted English words and expressions we use in everyday life. In fact, English isn’t the easiest language to learn. Just thinking of its difficult spelling and pronunciation makes me wonder why people choose to learn this language. The answer is obvious: English unites people and helps to communicate with people from every corner of the world.
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