A: It is difficult to understand some topics which related with this grammar .( сложно понять темы связанные с этой грамматикой)
It was difficult to understand plot of the film.
B: It was really nice of you to lent me a hand in a difficult moment .
It is really nice of you to look after a child.
C: Sorry to hear that . I was surprised to hear it at this difficult moment.
Sorry to hear that. I was surprised to hear that at the last moment.
D: The first time i had failed my exam. i will do my best the next time.
The first time we have not visited the place we wanted to go most, we would probably visit it the next time.( послелний раз мы не посетили мксто в которое мы хотели больше всего попасть , мы наверняка посетим его в другой раз)
E: I am sure about my results .
We are sure to get there in time.
We have to make sure certain things.
Talking about certain things, we have to keep them in mind.
It is likely that we will get late.
It is likely that they will open next week.
It was bond to incident.
It is bond to your future .
Bond to- связан с
related with- связан с
plot of the film- основная тема фильма
to lent a hand- дать руку в трудную минуту
to look after a child - смотреть за ребенком
probably- наверняка, возможно , наверное
to get in time - to be in time , быть вовремя
certain things- определенные вещи , определенные темы
to keep in mind - иметь ввиду
It is likely that - вероятно что , наверняка
Good luck!)
Task 6. Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals to form a noun that fits in gap.
Many people who think they have a professional future in films
B11 go to Hollywood only to find DISAPPOINTMENT instead of
success. They often have to give up the more enjoyable aspects
B12 of their chosen career to play parts in ADVERTISMENTS
B13 because these provide financial SECURITY - but they
B14 are not satisfying. For many actors, even basic SURVIVAL
can be difficult. Some do not earn enough to pay their rent or
electricity bills, and the time and money they invest in the
B15 PREPARATION of a portfolio for interviews is often wasted.
B16 Of course there is a possible EXPLANATION why only 1% of
B17 ACTORS _ are really successful. There are just too many
B18 people who believe that their next PERFORMANCE will be the one that makes them a star!