To present vosabulary about problems with our planet Teacher plays the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or individualla.Students say the phrascs in KazakhRussian language
Я обожаю игры с мячом, а больше всего люблю футбол. Это очень интересная игра, полная азарта. Она пришла к нам из Англии, хотя еще в Древнем Египте и у индейцев майя были похожие игры с мячом. Сегодня футбол — самая распространенный вид спорта в мире. Миллионы людей занимаются им в свободное время, а поистине миллиарды смотрят мировые чемпионаты. Профессиональные игроки, звезды футбола, стали кумирами целых народов. Можно назвать Диего Марадону, Паоло Мальдини, Рональдо, Зинедина Зидана, Андрея Арашавина, Андрея Шевченко.
Этот вид спорта развивает скорость, сообразительность, точность реакции и выносливость. Футболисты очень закаленные люди, ведь они гоняют мяч на свежем воздухе с ранней весны до поздней осени. Футбол является командной игрой и развивает сплоченность и командный дух. А больше всего меня привлекает непревзойденный азарт этой игры!
Я слежу за российскими и мировыми чемпионатами по футболу. Еще надеюсь, что когда-нибудь чемпионат Европы, будет принимать Россия, как в этом году Украина. Конечно, я всей душой желал, что на Евро-2012 наша сборная выйдет хотя бы в четвертьфинал. Но, увы...
Я сам тоже играю в футбол. С весны до осени мы гоняем мяч на спортплощадке и школьном стадионе. А зимой я занимаюсь футболом в крытом зале спортивного комплекса.
Моя любимая футбольная команда — питерский «Зенит», а в Европе — английский "Арсенал", итальянский «Милан». Еще я болею за украинский «Шахтер». Я еще не побывал на больших стадионах и на знаменательных матчах. Ходил только болеть за нашу местную команду, которая играет во втором дивизионе первенства страны. Но когда я вырасту, то обязательно поеду на серьезный чемпионат и увижу игру футболистов высокого класса.
1. She care for soap operas... здесь я не поняла, может ты ошибся при наборе но вот вопросы 1. Who does care for soap operas? 2. Does she care for soap operas? 3. What does she care for? 4. She cares for soap operas, doesn't she? 5. Does she care for soap operas or football matches?
2. The futter film was a success. с этим тоже не очень понятно 1. Was the futter film a success? 2. What was a success? 3. Was the futter film a success or a failure? 4. The futter film was a success, wasn't it?
3. My friend has never travelled by car. 1. Who has never travelled by car? 2. How has my friend never travelled? 3. What has my friend never done? 4. Has my friend never travelled by car? 5. Has my friend never travelled by car or by plane?
4. There were three railway station in our town. 1. Were there three railway stations in our town? 2. How many railway stations were there in our town? 3. Where were there three railway stations? 4. Were there three or four railway stations in our town? 5. There were three railway stations in our town, weren't there?
5. It took us an hour to get to the airport. 1. Did it took you an hour to get to the airport? 2. How long did it take you to get to the airport? 3. Did it took you an hour to get to the airport or to the railway station? 4. It took us an hour to get to the airport, didn't it? 5. Where did it take us an hour to get?
6. He couldn't find the money anywhere. 1. Couldn't he find the money anywhere? 2. Who couldn't find the money anywhere? 3. What couldn't he find anywhere? 4. He couldn't find the money anywhere, could he? 5. Couldn't he or his brother find the money anywhere?
6.somebody has stolen her bag. 1. Has anybody stolen her bag? 2. Who has stolen her bag? 3. What has anybody stolen? 4. Somebody has stolen her bag, hasn't he? 5. Has anybody stolen her bag or her mobile phone?
7. She had a lot of food. 1. Did she have a lot of food? 2. Who had a lot of food? 3. What did she have a lot? 4. She had a lot of food, hadn't she? 5. Did she had a lot of food or plates?
8.We started for London in the morning. 1. Did you start for London in the morning? 2. Who started for London in the morning? 3. When did you start for London? 4. Did you start for London or for Amsterdam in the morning? 5. We started for London in the morning, didn't we?
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