Привет! Я - Билл Фелпс и мне 13 лет. Я из Сиднея, Австралия. Вот фотография моей семьи и наших родственников. Моих родителей зовут Сью и Сэм. У моего папы короткие тёмный волосы. Моя мама высокого роста с короткими светлыми волосами. У меня нет брата, но у меня есть две сестры. Они близняшки. Их зовут Ким и Кейт и им по 8 лет. Майк - брат моего отца. Он врач и женат на Джанет. У них двое детей: Джонни и Джилл. Том и Бет - мои бабушка и дедушка. Они родились в конце шестидесятых. Ну вот и всё обо мне и моей семье напиши поскорее и расскажи мне о своей семье. Тоже отправь фотографию.А теперь пока, Билл.
Summer is my favourite season. Summer holidays give the longest rest from studying at shool that’s why I like them so much. In June I stayed at home and my parents were at work. But I was glad because at last I had time for myself. I read books, listened to music, watched films and visited my friend. I spent most days outdoors and got a nice sun tan. Then I spent two weeks in the summer camp on the seaside. It was a real fun. I met a lot of new friends. Every day we enjoyed something special - games, carnivals, competitions, performances. We went to the seaside twice a day. There we swam, lay in the sun, played volleyball on the beach, made sandy sculptures. We had discos every night, but not too long. I guess, those were the most exciting weeks of the summer. They gave me bright impressions, lots of funny photos and some new friends. Then my parents were on vacation and so they took me to my grandparents to the village. It’s a very picturesque place with a forest and a river nearby. I was happy to see my grandmother and grandfather. I spent hot days on the riverbank. Once we went hiking with my parents, made a fire and cooked our meal in it, we also gathered some berries. The summer forest was very beautiful. In the evening I usually helped in the garden. During the last month of the summer I was at home again, relaxing after "such an intensive rest"! I did usual things and prepared for school. I really liked my summer holidays!