1. They are translating this article now.
This article is being translated by them now
2. Many students attended our institute meeting yesterday.
Our institute meeting was attended by many students yesterday
3. The teacher explained a new theme.
A new theme was explained by the teacher
4. Usually all students of our group pass all exams.
Usually all exams are passed by all students of our group
5. The doctor prescribed her new medicine.
New medicine was prescribed her by the doctor
Sarah is busier than Mary.
The sun is hotter than the moon.
Elephants are bigger than horses.
Action movies are more exciting than comedies.
This restaurant is better than that restaurant.
Salads are healthier than hamburgers.
I think weekends are nicer than weekdays.
Lions are more dangerous than rabbits.
The sun is further than the moon.
That hotel is worse than this hotel.
Cars are faster than bicycles.
Comedies are funnier than action movies.
I am more nervous than my friend.
Comparative - сравнительная степень.Если прилагательное короткое,то добавляешь в конце "er" или "ier"зависит от слова.(кроме исключений),а если длинное просто впереди добавляешь "more" и не забываем про "than - чем ",чтобы правильно сравнить.
Хаджимука́н (Кажымука́н) Мунайтпа́сов (каз. Қажымұқан Мұңайтпасұлы; 7 апреля 1871[комм. 1], аул Караоткель Акмолинской области — 12 августа 1948, колхоз Ленин туы, Южно-Казахстанская область) — казахский борец и цирковой артист. Неоднократно (в 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913 и 1914 годах[1][2]) побеждал в чемпионатах мира по классической борьбе среди профессионалов. Первый казах, завоевавший титул чемпиона мира по французской борьбе; многократно побеждал в мировых, российских, региональных, затем и общесоюзных чемпионатах по классической борьбе среди тяжеловесов. Является обладателем около полусотни наград и медалей разных проб.
1. This article is translating by them now.
2. Our institute meeting is attended by many students yesterday.
3. A new theme is explained by the teacher.
4. All exams are usually passed by all students of our group.
5. New medicine is prescribed by the doctor to her.
Думаю так)