быстрее Beginn
1 Ask your classmates a question, e.g. Do you know who
the Sun's favourite bird was?
2 Use the words of a famous person or a character from a
film, book, etc. e.g. As Dumbledore said about his Phoenix,
Fawkes: Ah! Fascinating creatures, Phoenixes."
3 Make a statement, e.g. Many cultures have their own stories
about the Phoenix.
4 Play some sounds, music or a song, e.g. Listen to this extract
from a Harry Potter film.
5 Get your classmates to use their senses, e.g. Close your
eyes. You are flying through the air. Your feathers are You
are singing ...
6 Tell a joke, e.g. Why did the Phoenix fly east? Because it was
too far to walk!
Практически все 3 союза можно употребить в каждом из предложений.
1) He couldn’t play due to his injured shoulder.
2) She got the job owing to her excellent qualifications.
3) We couldn’t eat outside due to the awful weather.
4) She had to stay at home because of her broken leg.
5) The flowers died because of the dry weather.
1) Он не мог играть, из-за своей травмы плеча.
2) Она получила работу, благодаря своей отличной квалификации.
3) Мы не могли поесть на свежем воздухе, из-за ужасной погоды.
4) Ей пришлось остаться дома, из-за сломанной ноги.
5) Цветы завяли, из-за сухой погоды.