English (see Ex. 5, Step 5). The Robinsons
The Robinsons are a British family. They live in Manchester. This is
their usual weekday. They get up at 6.30. Tom Robinson goes to the
bathroom. He turns on the tap, has a shower, cleans his teeth and puts
on his favourite clothes a dark blue jumper and grey trousers. While
Tom is dressing his wife Mary gets their breakfast ready. She prepares
eggs on the cooker. Tom likes a big breakfast, Mary doesn't eat much
in the morning. She usually has a cup of coffee and some biscuits, some-
times she takes a sweet.
When Tom leaves home, he drives his lorry to the petrol station. He
has a busy day in front of him. For lunch he usually has chips.
In the morning Mary cleans the flat, takes the rubbish out and puts it
in the dustbin standing on the street pavement. Then she goes to the
chemist's where she works.
Tom and Mary often drive to the cinema. They leave their old Ford in
the car park and enjoy watching their favourite films.
найдите глаголы настоящее простые
2,Знаете ли вы имена русских или зарубежных драматургов? Знаете ли Вы каие-либо названия их пьес? Вы видели их в театре или на телевидении?
3,Нравится ли вам стихи? Вы часто читаете стихи? Вы читаете стихи для себя? Любите ли Вы читать их вслух? Как вы думаете, люди должны учить читать, понимать и любить поэзию?Вы никогда не пробовали писать стихи ? Каких известных российских или иностранных поэтов ты знаешь? Можете ли вы прочитать вслух любое из стихотворений?