Read these sentences and choose the correct variant. 1.
You should put on a jumper
You should putting on a jumper
The friends doesn't have to get up early
The friends don't have to get up early
I just can’t manage to wake up on time, I'm always late
I just can’t to manage to wake up on time, I'm always late
[aı] [wɒz] [ʹlaııŋ] [ɒn] [ðə] [bi:tʃ] sunbathing [wen] [aı] [ʹsʌd(ə)nlı] noticed [hju:dʒ] waves[МН.Ч.]. [bıʹfɔ:] [aı] [nju:] [ıt], [ðə] [ʹwɔ:tə] [hæd] reached [mi:]. [aı] started [tu:] [rʌn], [bʌt] [aı] [ʹkʋdnt], [bıʹkɒz] [ðə] [ʹwɔ:tə] [wɒz] [ʌp] [tu:] [maı] knees[МН.Ч.]. [ʹpi:p(ə)l] [əʹraʋnd] [mi:] [wɜ:] [ʹskri:mıŋ]. [ə,eı] [fju:] seconds[МН.Ч.] [ʹleıtə] [aı] [wɒz] [ʹʌndə] [ðə] [ʹwɔ:tə]. Pieces[МН.Ч.] [ɒv] [wʋd] [wɜ:] hitting [mi:]. [ʹlʌkılı], [ə,(eı)] [mæn] [hu:] [wɒz] [ɒn] [ə,(eı)] [pɑ:m] [tri:] pulled [mi:] [aʋt] [ɒv] [ðə] [ʹwɔ:tə] [ʹɒntʋ] [ðə] [tri:]. [ʹɑ:ftə] [ə,(eı)] [fju:] [ʹaʋəz], [wi:] [wɜ:] rescued [baı] [sʌm] [ʹləʋk(ə)l] [men] [ænd] [ʹteıkən] [tu:] [ðə] [ʹhɒspıtl].
[æt] [ðə] [həʋʹtel], [maı] colleagues[МН.Ч.] [ænd] [aı] [wɜ:] [ʹhelpıŋ] [ʹındʒəd] [ʹpi:p(ə)l]. [wi:] [geıv] [ðem] [ıʹmɜ:dʒ(ə)nsı] [fɜ:st] [eıd] [bıʹfɔ:] [ðeı] [wɜ:] [ʹteıkən] [tu:] [ʹhɒspıtl]. [sʌm] [ɒv] [ðə] injuries[МН.Ч.][wi:] [hæd] [tu:] [tri:t] [wɜ:] [kwaıt] [hɒʹrıfık]. [ðə] streets[МН.Ч.] [ʹaʋtsaıd] [wɜ:] littered [wıð] [ʹfɔ:lən] [pɑ:m] trees[МН.Ч.] [ænd] [hju:dʒ] pieces[МН.Ч.] [ɒv] [wʋd] [ænd] [metl]. [s(j)u:]
[æn] [ʹɜ:θkweık] [ðæt] occurred [æt] 07:59 [ʹləʋk(ə)l] [taım] [ʹʌndə] [ðə] [ʹındıən] [ʹəʋʃ(ə)n] [ʹdʒenəreıtıd] [ðə] biggest[ПРИЛ.] [tsʋʹnɑ:mı] [ðə] [wɜ:ld] [hæz] [si:n] [ın] [ðə] [lɑ:st] 40 years[МН.Ч.]. [ðə] [ʹmæsıv] waves[МН.Ч.] [hæv] killed [ʹəʋvə] 10,000 [ʹpi:p(ə)l] [ın] ' . [ʹsʌðən] [ʹeıʒə]. Thousands[МН.Ч.][hæv] [lɒst] [ðeə] homes[МН.Ч.]. [ðıs] [mʌst] [bi:] [wʌn] [ɒv] [ðə] [wɜ:st] [ʹnætʃ(ə)rəl] disasters[МН.Ч.] [ın] [ʹri:s(ə)nt] [ʹhıst(ə)rı],