1)Он купил бы эту машину,если бы у него было бы больше денег(2)
2)Мистер Браун потратил бы больше денег на Рождественский подарок,если бы он мог это позволить.(3)
3)Если бы ты неикурил так много,ты бы чувствовал себя лучше.(2)
4)Джек не был бы таким уставшим каждый вечер,если бы он немного отдыхал после ужина.(2)
5)Если бы не шел дождь,мы могли бы пойти на прогулку.(2)
6)Она выглядела бы более привлекательно,если бы она уделяла больше внимания своей одежде.(MIXED)
7)Ничего бы не случилось,если бы он не заблудился.(3)
8)Они видели бы все достаточно хорошо сейчас,если бы у них были места получше.(2)
9)Если бы я не был так далеко от твоего дома,я зашел бы к тебе.(3)
10)Джек закончил бы свою работу на неделе,если бы это не было так сложно.(3)
11)Генри был бы сдесь сейчас,если бы он знал что нам нужна
12)Мэри осталась бы дома,если бы она плохо себя чувствовала.(2)
13)Мэри поняла бы все,если бы ты говорил бы более ясно.(3)
14) Эти мальчики учились бы лучше,если бы им нравился их учитель.(2)
To date, the most attractive profession for me is a surgeon. Unfortunately, no one in my family works in the field of medicine. But I have always liked all kinds of educational programs in which doctors of various fields talk about certain diseases, about methods of their treatment. In addition, for many months I have been studying various medical textbooks and manuals that can be found on the Internet. I really like reading these books, they contain a lot of interesting and useful things that I did not even know about before.
The profession of a doctor for many centuries has been one of the most difficult and noble. Every day, people in white coats save a huge number of lives. I would like to connect my life with a profession that would benefit people, would help them and would be in demand in any economic situation. Therefore, my choice fell on the surgical field. Of course, this profession implies great diligence, knowledge and even talent. The hands of a surgeon are a tool that can both save a person and destroy. This is a very big responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to study for this profession with all diligence. Fine motor skills of the hands should also be well developed. To do this, I am already starting to do simple exercises, for example, rolling a coin over my fingers. This exercise trains the fingers well and soothes them.
Perhaps for many, the profession of "surgeon" seems to be something terrible and bloody, like from horror films. But for me it is a wonderful profession that will help make the world a better place and save a large number of people. I do not consider the process of the operation as "cutting a living person." I believe that these are the same necessary procedures, without which human life can be threatened, like vaccinations or a course of therapeutic massage. Without these procedures, as well as without surgery, a person will feel bad, and something will certainly hurt him. The profession of a surgeon is aimed at curing and eliminating from the life of any person who needs it, pain and suffering, and even make his life much better! That is why I am inclined to choose this profession after graduating from school and associate with it my whole life. After all, saving people's lives is an incredible responsibility, but also a great joy!