1. A
2. C
вот ивсе
a) had, would not waste
b) were, would travel
c) were, would see
d) had, would buy
If I were you, I would apologise for your behavior - на твоем месте я бы извинился за свое поведение
If I were a teacher, I would cancel homework for tomorrow - если бы я был учителем то отменил бы домашнее задание на завтра
If had a lot more time, I would prepair my homework properly - если бы у меня было побольше времени то я бы подготовил уроки как следует
1) If I had a beautiful voice, I would sing in a band.
2) If I found much money, I would buy a motorbike.
3) If I were an adult, I wouldn't go to school.
4) If I didn't eat cakes and ice-cream, I would lose weight.
5) If I didn't go to bed late, I wouldn't be late for the lessons.
6) If I had much time, I would learn another language.
1. D(any)
2.C(was raining)
3.A(isn't going)