Напишите данное предложение в Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tense в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Present Indefinite Tense. The students define the pressure of the gas in some tube. - Студенты определяют давление газа в трубе.
The students don't define the pressure of the gas in some tube.
Do the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?
2/ Past Indefinite Tense. The students defined the pressure of the gas in some tube. Студенты определяли давление газа в трубе.
The students didn't define the pressure of the gas in some tube.
Did the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?
3. Future Indefinite Tense. The students will define the pressure of the gas in some tube. - Студенты будут определять давление газа в трубе.
The students won't define the pressure of the gas in some tube.
Will the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?
2 He doesn't speak French, does he?
3 She works very hard, doesn't she?
4 You don't like swimming, do you?