My collection. I have my own collection of stickers. I created it for a long time. When I was 4 years old. This album bought my Grandma and stickers too. These stickers I glued to my album then I overflowed album. I wanted to start a new day, but I felt I would not start, and when I threw it all does not even opened, I lost it. It has been 2 years I was 6 years old. And one day I found this album I have so many emotions then I flipped through it. And I remembered how these stickers glued. I here in this moment when I was 7 years old, I lost it again. And when I turned 11, I found him and that he had not lost again, I cut by half to stikers. And I at this moment my story about my collection ends.
1 What a wonderful (чудесный) child!=Какой чудесный ребёнок. 2 It is true (правда)=Это правда. 3 Please, pay attention to the changes (изменение обратите внимание на изменения в правилах. 4 This word means the same (тоже самое)=Это слово означает то же самое. 5 I don't like to wash ( мыть) the dishes.=Я не люблю мыть посуду. 6 There is a big mirror (зеркало) in my room.=В моей комнате большое зеркало. 7 Try to decide ( решать или решить) yourself what to do.=Постарайся сам решить что делать. 8 This puppy is funny ( смешной)=Этот щенок смешной. 9 Enjoy ( наслаждаться) your stay here.=Наслаждайтесь вашим пребыванием здесь. 10 I like to cook (готовить )=Я люблю готовить. 11 I prefer good-quality (качество) clothes.=Я предпочитаю одежду хорошего качества. 12 I like fried ( жареный) fish for dinner.=На обед я люблю жареную рыбу. 13 He asked me politely (вежливо) to go away.=Он вежливо попросил меня удалиться. 14 His astonishment (удивление) was really great.=Его удивление было поистине огромным. 15 The ceiling (потолок) is white.
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