outstanding citizens of russia glorified their country not only in the art of management or tactics of warfare. mikhail lomonosov belongs to a cohort of the greatest russian scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of world science. born in a poor family and unable to get a
decent education, he had a high intelligence and craved for knowledge from early childhood. lomonosov's desire for science was so strong that at the age of 19 he left his village, went on foot to moscow and entered the slavic-greek-roman academy. this was followed by training at st. petersburg
university at the academy of sciences. michael was sent to europe to improve his knowledge of the natural sciences. at the age of 34, the young scientist became an academician.
пикачу- это существо из серии игр, манги и аниме " покемон", принадлежащей компаниям nintendo и game freak. вид пикачу мышь, его рост составляет 0,4 м, вечер он 6,0 кг, и его тип электрический, эволноционирует его из пичу. почему мне нравится пикачу, пикачу милый, с красивыми глазами, с интересным видом его тела, у него крутые и качественные игры. мне нравится сам мультфильм, но самое классное это его игры. это на . pikachu is a creature from the nintendo and game freak series of games, manga and anime pokémon. kind of pikachu mouse, its height is 0.4 m, in the evening it is 6.0 kg, and its type is electric, it evolves from pichu. why i like pikachu, pikachu is very cute, with beautiful eyes, with a very interesting look on his body, he has very cool and high-quality games. i really like the cartoon itself, but the cool thing is its games. это на .
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