English has already been a long time for quite a long time and in demand among all foreign languages. There are more than 800 million people who study English or speak on it as in a foreign language. It is because of this popularity and need, we decided to prepare a cycle of materials about an independent study of English for you. Online simulators: Use modern online simulators that have a computer form in a comfortable game form. The main advantage of such services is their availability from any place. You wait in the queue, go to the subway / bus and learn new words in parallel or train grammar on your mobile. Services: Lingualo, Puzzle English, Duolingo Online Courses: Self-study with online courses. The main advantages are structured material, the presence of homework / tests and, unlike offline courses, you are not tied by time and place and you can study at any time and almost everywhere where there is a good internet. Service: Eduget Movies in the original: A very nice way to learn the language that I personally use - watching movies, serials and cartoons. In the world, more than 85% of video materials are created in English, so you will not be sure to choose content. Confident that you have long dreamed about watching your favorite "friends", "House doctor" or "game of the thrones" in the original. Services: Puzzle Movie, Ororotv Travel: One of the effective methods of studying any foreign language is immersion in the environment. But sometimes it may be financially or organizational in charge. If you still have decided to go to relax, then my personal advice is better to choose an English-language country and (or) language school in it. This will be a wonderful combination of relaxation and practice of live English. Tutor: Often, with independent study, people lack self-motivation and a clear plan of movement to the target. In such cases, working with an individual tutor helps. Personally, I have helped me very much with the spoken language. I had a good vocabulary, but it was very hard (probably familiar to all the problem). But this issue solves only practice, practice and once again practice.
Ок. Ошибки ошибками потом исправишь. So. Russia is a very big and beautifull country. Here lives very many nationales and culture groups. Firstly Russia is the first country in the world about territiry. Then we have many beautifull places like a Baikal and Syberia. History of Russia is very interesting. We had a very long moharch dinasty. Dinasty of Romanov which leave the very big part in our history. Russia is only one country which have so much nationales and cultures and religy in their bounds. We have very many famous museums as Ermitage. We have very much good theaters. People can go to St. Peterburg to see our theaters and museums. Russia is a potential country in touristic buisiness.Там ошибки есть, исправь писал быстро. Вроде так.
Опросы, проведенные среди иностранных туристов, посещающих Россию, позволит составить рейтинг того, что привлекает туристов в России. для начала необходимо уточнить, что отдых в России иностранцам, порой обходится в разы дороже, чем аналогичный отдых в Европе. И все-таки, аналогичным его можно назвать едва ли. Итак, что привлекает торитов в России? Конечно же, это Москва. Стоимость недельного тура в столице России с перелетом обходится минимум в три с половиной тысячи евро. Для тех, кто отправляется в Россию для того, чтобы полетать на МИГ-29, рассчитывают минимум на двадцать три тысячи евро за полет. Экстрималам, желающим побывать на российском Полюсе холода, потребуется десять тысяч долларов. Что привлекает туристов в Росси еще? Озеро Байкал и Транссиб, Курилы и Камчатка, военные туры и экскурсии по местам боевой славы всех времен и народов, Байконур, Центр Управления полетами, Центр подготовки космонавтов. Кроме того, для иностранных туристов максимально интересны туры, которые организуются в старинные русские деревни, а также охота и рыбалка. Все эти области сегодня предлагаются многочисленными туристическими фирмами, готовыми предоставить иностранцам все то, что они хотят видеть, естественно не за малые деньги.Желаете дополнить ответ? Необходима авторизация
English has already been a long time for quite a long time and in demand among all foreign languages. There are more than 800 million people who study English or speak on it as in a foreign language. It is because of this popularity and need, we decided to prepare a cycle of materials about an independent study of English for you. Online simulators: Use modern online simulators that have a computer form in a comfortable game form. The main advantage of such services is their availability from any place. You wait in the queue, go to the subway / bus and learn new words in parallel or train grammar on your mobile. Services: Lingualo, Puzzle English, Duolingo Online Courses: Self-study with online courses. The main advantages are structured material, the presence of homework / tests and, unlike offline courses, you are not tied by time and place and you can study at any time and almost everywhere where there is a good internet. Service: Eduget Movies in the original: A very nice way to learn the language that I personally use - watching movies, serials and cartoons. In the world, more than 85% of video materials are created in English, so you will not be sure to choose content. Confident that you have long dreamed about watching your favorite "friends", "House doctor" or "game of the thrones" in the original. Services: Puzzle Movie, Ororotv Travel: One of the effective methods of studying any foreign language is immersion in the environment. But sometimes it may be financially or organizational in charge. If you still have decided to go to relax, then my personal advice is better to choose an English-language country and (or) language school in it. This will be a wonderful combination of relaxation and practice of live English. Tutor: Often, with independent study, people lack self-motivation and a clear plan of movement to the target. In such cases, working with an individual tutor helps. Personally, I have helped me very much with the spoken language. I had a good vocabulary, but it was very hard (probably familiar to all the problem). But this issue solves only practice, practice and once again practice.