bad--worse- the worst
good-better- the best
heavy- heavier- the heaviest
clean- cleaner- the cleanest
lazy- lazier- the laziest
deep- deeper- the deepest
kind- kinder- the kindest
wood- wooder- the woodest
sad- sadder- the saddest
quick- quicker- the quickest
warm- warmer- the warmest
2.Вставь пропущенные буквы.
cOmpEti t-i O n, f U t U r E, l AngUA gE, friendship, r e su_lt U nd Erst And,
r E m Emb Er, h E Av y.
1)a hardworking woman- a lazy man
2)a wise king- a follish / stupid/ silly king
3)a correct answer- a wrong answer
4)a knd boy- an angry boy
5)a shouting sister- a silent sister
6)a sunny day- a nasty day
7)a hot summer- a cold/cool summer
8)a slim grandpa- a fat grandpa
9)an easy future- a difficult future
10)a happy daughter- a sad daughter
Kazakhstan is committed to becoming one of the top 30 of the world’s 50 developing nations by 2050. A “greening” of essential economic sectors is part and parcel of this economic drive. As an oil producing nation, moving from “brown” to green status will be a challenge – one that Kazakhstan is ready to face head on.
President Nazarbayev formally adopted Kazakhstan’s Green Economy Concept policy in 2013, following the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012. With full presidential backing, it appears the Central Asian state is firmly committed to “cleaning up” its economy.
By 2030, Kazakhstan aims to generate 30% of its domestic electricity supply from renewable sources, rising to 20% by 2050. Legislation establishing feed-in tariffs for renewables was introduced in 2013 and will remain in place for 50 years – providing the impetus for companies to invest in green technologies.
Task. Open the brackets. use Simple Tenses