Everybody knows that our environment today is endangered, but very few people want to know why and how to cope with this problem. Various forms of pollution are happening due to some careless human actions. Всем известно, что наша окружающая среда сегодня в большой опасности, но очень немногие люди хотят знать, почему это происходит и как справиться с этой проблемой. Из-за небрежности человека, возникают различные формы загрязнения. Littering is one of them. It can lead to water and air pollution, land and soil pollution, and to many other unwanted effects. Litter has become a serious environmental issue nowadays. Of course, the majority of normal people know that littering is a negative thing. However, there are still lots of careless people who continue scattering their trash around. Litter can come in many various forms, starting from simple newspapers and proceeding to poisonous chemicals left from industry. People buy more and more unnecessary things every day, instead of reviving their old things. For example, instead of buying a new pair of shorts, we can simply shorten our old jeans. Or, instead of buying a new plastic bottle of water, we can simply refill the old one. People forget that plastic is highly harmful for the environment. In case they still buy many plastic bottles, they should at least recycle them.
1.Я делаю дз уже два часа - I am already doing my homework for 2 hours. 2.Он все еще делает дз? - Is he still doing his homework? 3.Он всегда делает дз? - Does he always do his homework? 4 почему он не сдал дз? - Why haven't he done his homework? 5.Когда я пришел,он делал дз - When I came, he was doing his homework 6.если я не сделал дз,я получу два. If I don't do my homework, I'll have F-mark 7 я делал дз вчера в семь вечера - I did my homework at 7 in the evening 8когда ты делал дз? - When were you doing the homework?
1) What is your favorite school subject?(Какой твой любимый школьный предмет?) 2) What subject you don't like the most?(Какой предмет тебе не нравится больше всего? 3) What is your mark in maths?(Какая у тебя оценка по математике?) 4) What do you like in English language?(Что тебе нравится в английском языке?) 5) Do you want to become a teacher in future?(Хотел бы ты стать учителем в будущем?) 6) What subject do you want to be a teacher of?(Учителем какого предмета ты бы хотел стать?)
Littering is one of them. It can lead to water and air pollution, land and soil pollution, and to many other unwanted effects. Litter has become a serious environmental issue nowadays. Of course, the majority of normal people know that littering is a negative thing. However, there are still lots of careless people who continue scattering their trash around. Litter can come in many various forms, starting from simple newspapers and proceeding to poisonous chemicals left from industry. People buy more and more unnecessary things every day, instead of reviving their old things. For example, instead of buying a new pair of shorts, we can simply shorten our old jeans. Or, instead of buying a new plastic bottle of water, we can simply refill the old one. People forget that plastic is highly harmful for the environment. In case they still buy many plastic bottles, they should at least recycle them.