1. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. deserved awesome executed sentences betrayed menace confirmed trial demanding denied innocent seek claim
1. Being a nurse in a busy hospital is a very job.
2. Police officers are demanding tougher for people who carry knives.
3. The president will not be able tovictory until all the votes are counted.
4. She finally got the success that she truly .
5. He made his way to London to his fortune.
6. George that he had ever been to this house.
7. The new group were just , all the teenagers were crazy about them.
8. The great painting was at the turn of the 19th century.
9. The jury declared him and he was allowed to go free.
10. Human rights groups claim that the was unfair.
11. The date of the meeting will soon be .
12. The humanity is facing the growing of global pollution.
13. A secretary his trust and made the private information public.
2. Match the words in the two columns and complete the sentences with the word combinations.
to demand
your time
on the roads
to represent
on trial
him in his determination
absolute obedience
in awe
as a baby unborn
to five years
his own principles
1. Our grandparents thought that it was necessary from children.
2. I have very strong doubts that this new film .
3. He had and felt awful about it.
4. I’m as . Take my word for it.
5. Peter knew it wasn’t easy to enter the best university in the country, but it was a real challenge. The fact only .
6. Careless drivers often become a real .
7. He charged with murder.
8. We all in front of the painting.
9. The organization more than 10,000 people.
10. They will be for that bank robbery.
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