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1. For 26 years of creativity Chekhov created about 900 different works (short humorous stories, serious stories, plays), many of which became classics of world literature. 2. His book Sakhalin Island became an art document of the era. 3. In his work are given the best in Russian literature samples of all genre varieties of small prose 4. Chekhov's dramaturgy became the "calling card" of Russian literature in the world. 5.Vechen Chekhov's call "Take care of a man." 6. Artistic discoveries of Chekhov had a huge impact on the literature and theater of the XX century. His dramatic works, translated into many languages, have become an integral part of the world theater repertoire.
Дорогой друг. В данный момент я нахожусь в Англии около Биг-Бена. Он удивительно красивый и большой по высоте. Мне тут очень нравится , я видел уж очень много достопремичательностей Англии. Тут очень веселые люди , они всегда мне улыбаются. Мы гуляли по разным паркам. Они тут очень красивые. Так же мы купили немного американских сладостей и сувениров. Конечно не хочется уезжать от сюда, но я думаю я приеду где то через неделю. Ну ладно , извини , у нас намечается экскурсия. До встречи!
Dear friend. At the moment I'm in England near Big Ben. It is surprisingly beautiful and large in height. I really like it here, I've seen a lot of England's sights. There are very funny people here, they always smile at me. We walked on different parks. They are very beautiful here. We also bought some American sweets and souvenirs. Of course I do not want to leave here, but I think I'll come somewhere in a week. Well, excuse me, we are planning an excursion. See you!
2. His book Sakhalin Island became an art document of the era.
3. In his work are given the best in Russian literature samples of all genre varieties of small prose
4. Chekhov's dramaturgy became the "calling card" of Russian literature in the world.
5.Vechen Chekhov's call "Take care of a man."
6. Artistic discoveries of Chekhov had a huge impact on the literature and theater of the XX century. His dramatic works, translated into many languages, have become an integral part of the world theater repertoire.