ДЕРЖИ The decision to transfer the capital to the banks of the Potomac was made in 1780 by the U.S. Congress. The capital was named Washington in honor of the first President of the United States. The white house — the residence of the President of the United States of America. The construction of the building started in 1792. It was altered twice: in 1814 after a fire, arranged by the British soldiers after 1945. In contrast to the residences of many other heads of state, the White house is open to the public. It is visited annually more than half a million people from around the world. Now the building with 132 rooms, located on different floors. The first and second floors are used for service purposes, the third floor is used by the President's family and his guests. The famous Oval office is located in the West wing of the first floor. Here is a table, which was presented to the English Queen Victoria, and which the President works. This residence is quite modest and yet impressive.
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