3) °Our teacher is speaking in English at the lesson (now).
°Our teacher spoke in English at the lesson (yesterday).
°Our teacher Will speak in English at The lesson (tomorrow).
4) °You are meeting your friends on Monday (now).
°You met your friends on Monday (yesterday).
°You will meet your friends on Monday (tomorrow).
5) °The boys are riding their bikes in summer (now).
°The boys rode their bikes in summer (yesterday).
°The boys will ride their bikes in summer (tomorrow).
6) °We are having breakfast at eight in the morning (now).
°We had breakfast at eight in the morning (yesterday).
°We will have breakfast at eight in the morning (tomorrow).
7) °My mother is usually making a tasty cake on Sunday (now).
°My mother usually made a tasty cake on Sunday (yesterday).
°My mother will make a tasty cake on Sunday (tomorrow).
Но сразу говорю, могут быть ошибки, сверьте со своими товарищами.
Who speaks English ?-Кто говорит ло английски?
Who plays the piano? - Кто играет на пианино?
В остальных случаях используется do ( we ,you, they)
They play football.
Do they play football? What do they play?
Does используется, если подлежащее стоит в 3 лице единственного числа. ( she, he, it)
She speakS English.
Does she speak English? What language does she speak?
He playS football.
Does he play football? What does he play?
( do и does -указатели простого настоящего времени Present Simple )