2. English
3. I like playing computer games.
4. I don't like cooking
5. I don't like Maths.
6. I (do not) like Music lessons.
2. It is half past ten.
3. It's quarter to five.
4. It's quarter past eight.
5. It's seven o'clock.
6. It's quarter past twelve
1. In the evening
2. at 8 o'clock
3. at 2 o'clock
4. on Sunday
5. in the morning
2. What's her hair like?
3. What eyes colour does your sister have?
4. Is it interesting history?
5. Do you have lessons on Friday?
6. What's your brother's name?
1. c
2. e
3. f
4. a
5. d
6. b
Too much madness of the hero deprives the meaning of the film, the author's love for bloody smiles points to his immaturity.
I wanted to go to something else, but still fate itself led to this film. I understood what the plot would be approximately. something or someone made a psychopath out of a man. but I expected more. disappointed.
Despite the fact that the rating of the film is high, I would not recommend it for viewing. the author of the film, apparently, is crazy about the subject. laughing when you kill a person, laughing and crying, a mask or makeup of a clown on a psychopathic killer. in general, a fan of such pathologies.
Слишком большое сумасшествие героя лишает смысла фильма, любовь автора к кровавым улыбкам наталкивает на его незрелость
Хотела пойти на что-то другое, но всё таки судьба сама завела на этот фильм. я понимала, какой примерно будет сюжет. что-то или кто-то сделало из человека психопата. но ожидала большего. разочарована.
Несмотря на то, что рейтинг у фильма большой, я бы не рекомендовала к просмотру. автор фильма, видимо, с ума сходит от этой темы. смеяться, когда убиваешь человека, смеяться и плакать, маска или грим клоуна на психопате-убийце. в общем, любитель таких патологий.
Dear Marie,
1)Writing from gorgeous island of Cuba! Jake and I are staying in a wonderful five-star hotel by the sea. Right now, I am 3) sitting on the balcony, 4) admiring the spectacular view and 5) drinking a delicious fruit punch. Jake 6)is walking along the beach. He usually 7) likes doing it after swimming, moreover he sometimes 8) brings lovely shells and rocks for me. You know I 9) collect them.
The weather 10)is hot and sunny. We 11) spend most of day relaxing and reading under the beautiful palm trees. Tonight we 12) going to a season festival, on Monday we 13) are visiting our new friends and on Friday we 14)are leaving (leave) for the USA. By the way people of this country 15)make you feel happy. As they 16) are cheerful and kind. I 17) love it here so much that I 18)don't want to leave.