The basic male garment was the shirt or the bottom shirt. The Russian men's shirts of the XVI — XVII centuries under the square underarm gussets, on each side of the belt triangular wedges. Shirts were sewn from linen and cotton fabrics, and silk. The sleeves have narrow brushes. Sleeve length is probably dependent on the purpose of the shirt. The gate was either absent (just round the neckline), or in the form of racks, round or square ("caret"), with basis in the form of leather or birch bark, with a height of 2.5-4 cm; fastened with a button. The presence of gates assumed the incision in the middle of the chest or on the left (blouse), with buttons or ties.
In folk costume shirt was outerwear, and in a suit nobility — the bottom. House maid nobles wore a shirt — it has always been silk.
Shirts different colors: mostly white, blue and red. Wore their trousers and girdled by a narrow belt. On my back and chest shirt sewn lining, called background.
My vse lyubim khodit' v zooparki, no chto dumayut ob etom sami zhivotnyye? stoit li lyudyam soderzhat' zhivotnykh v nevole? s odnoy storony, eta problema imeyet mnozhestvo polozhitel'nykh aspektov. naprimer, zhivotnyye nakhodyatsya pod postoyannym kontrolem cheloveka. yesli im trebuyetsya pomoshch', lyudi pomogayut, vykhazhivayut zhivotnykh. krome togo, lyudi khotyat uvelichit' chislo populyatsiy zhivotnykh, yesli oni nakhodyatsya pod ugrozoy. takzhe pokhod v zoopark podnimayet nastroyeniye lyubomu cheloveku. s drugoy storony, zhivotnyye zhivut ne v yestestvennoy srede, a v kletkakh. ne vse zooparki imeyut bol'shoye prostranstvo. opredelennyye vidy zhivotnykh mogut nakhodit'sya ne v svoyey srede obitaniya. takzhe lyudi mogut vyvozit' zverey nezakonno iz prirody. v zaklyucheniye ya mogu skazat', chto soderzhaniye zhivotnykh v zooparkakh imeyut bol'she plyusov, chem minusov. rabotniki zooparkov pytayutsya sdelat' tol'ko luchshe zhivotnym.
In folk costume shirt was outerwear, and in a suit nobility — the bottom. House maid nobles wore a shirt — it has always been silk.
Shirts different colors: mostly white, blue and red. Wore their trousers and girdled by a narrow belt. On my back and chest shirt sewn lining, called background.