internet - world wide system oy interconnected computer networks for storing and transmitting information
world wide web - a distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on various computers connected to the Internet.
web browser - application software for web browsing, web document content, computer files and their catalogs; web application management; and also for solving other problems.
internet provider - an organization providing Internet access services and other Internet-related services.
hyperlinks - a part of a hypertext document that refers to an element in this document (command, text, image, footnote) or to another object (file (document), directory, application) located on a local disk or in a computer network, or to elements of this object.
When it is raining I like to lay on my cozy bed read a book and drink hot black lemon tea. I also like sleeping to the sound of the rain. So relaxing! When it is sunny I like to go out, do a lot of activities and overall be active throughout the day. When it is snowy I like to play with snow or go to the mountains for hiking, for example.
We have 4 seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.
The weather can sometimes cause serious issues. If there is a natural disaster like: tornado it can easily destroy any area. You have to be very carefull. An earthquake also cases damages. There are plenty of various weather issues that would take a long to write about. So that is it