Письмо. Представьте, что вы посещасте одно из этих мест на каникулах. Напишите письмо своим друзьям об этом месте и том, как вы проводите там свое время. (написание писем; 150-180 слов)
Over 1,800 kilometers that separate the southern border of Kazakhstan from the north, followed by several landscape zones: steppe, steppe, semidesert and desert. In the west, the territory of Kazakhstan borders the Caspian Sea in the east - the taiga Altai, and in the south - with the high peaks of the Tien Shan. The lowest point - Karagiye on Mangyshlak (132 meters below sea level), the highest - Khan Tengri peak in the mountains (7000 meters above sea level). Three major rivers - Irtysh, Tobol and Ishim - carry their water in the Arctic Ocean, the other Kazakh rivers empty into inland water bodies: the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Balkhash, or simply spread out over the steppe or desert. The western part of Kazakhstan is almost entirely flat, and the east - mostly mountainous, besides such as the high mountains of the Tien Shan and Altai, considerable space is occupied Tarbagatay Saur, Kazakh low hills, Kokshetau hill. In Kazakhstan, grows more than six thousand plant species (of which 515 - only here), its open spaces can be found about 500 species of birds, 178 species of mammals, 49 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes - 107 species of fish. The diversity of invertebrates is still more alone insects live here for at least 30,000 species, and besides them - a few thousand species of mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceans, and others. Думаю вот так...
Hi Andrew ! What's new ? Hey. Yesterday I wanted to make cupcakes, but I do not know the recipe. Do you know him? Yeah . A week ago, my mother cooked muffins with raisins . I can tell retsept. Oh, no , thank you. I have helped my mother when she came home from work . Nastia you cook? Yes, I can cook a lot of different dishes. For example : scrambled eggs , scrambled eggs, pancakes, soup. And you know how to cook? - Yes, of course ! Every day I cook myself breakfast. Nastya , do you have a favorite dish ? - Yes, of course there is - What ? - Chicken cooked in the oven with seasonings. What's your favorite dish ? - Like okroshka.Letom on hot days, I love this dish. It was nice to talk to , but I have to go . - Bye - bye! See you there!
In Kazakhstan, grows more than six thousand plant species (of which 515 - only here), its open spaces can be found about 500 species of birds, 178 species of mammals, 49 species of reptiles, 12 species of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes - 107 species of fish.
The diversity of invertebrates is still more alone insects live here for at least 30,000 species, and besides them - a few thousand species of mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceans, and others. Думаю вот так...