He is happy We are big You are well A pan is hot A red cat is at small It is useful Ann is so glad to help Den They are late. Треба поміняти місцями на англійську
Привет. Меня зовут - Елена. Я каждый день стараюсь интересно провести время. Например вчера я с пользой провела день. Я прочитала очень занимательную книгу маме с домашними заботами. А еще, вчера я присматривала за своей младшей сестрой. Мы гуляли в парке, играли в снежки, строили снеговика. Это было весело! Мне надолго запомнится этот день.
Hi. My name is Elena. Every day I try to have fun. For example, yesterday I spent the day. I read a really interesting book, helped my mom with household chores. And yet, yesterday I was Babysitting for her younger sister. We were walking in the Park, playing snowballs, building a snowman. It's been fun! I will long remember this day.
1 The nickname of the British flag is The Union Jack.
2 London taxies are yellow and black.
3 The name of the national Scottish costume is kilt.
4 The other name for the Houses of Parliament is Palace of Westminster.
5 The Greek explorer and geographer Pytheas introduced the name "Britannia".
6 Irish, Scottish, and Manx are still spoken.
7 Druids were people in ancient Britain and France who served a wide variety of roles: philosophers, teachers, judges.
8 The famous temple of the Druids is Stonehenge.
9 Boadicea was a Celtic queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain.
10 Julius Caesar attacked Britain in 55 ВС.