Everybody knows that London is the capital of Great Britain. Of course, it is true. But there are also so many other interesting and marvellous information about London. For me London is a dream city. There are so many places in London to see. Practically everybody knows that Big Ben is London famous clock. Far from Big Ben you will see London eye, the biggest one in Europe. It is a unique chance to see London from bird’s eye panorama. It’s height is 135 metres. London eye is one of the biggest in the world. London is rich for its parks. They are very homely. One of them is Guide Park. Finally I want to say that London should visit everyone. Всем известно, что Лондон – столица Великобританиию Но есть также много другой интересной и великолепной информации о Лондоне. Для меня Лондон – это город мечты. Существует множество мест в Лондоне, которые стоит увидеть. Практически каждый человек знает, что Биг Бен – известные лондонские часы. Около Биг Бена вы увидите колесо обозрения, называемое “глаз Лондона”, самое большое колесо обозрения в мире. Это уникальный шанс увидеть Лондон с высоты птичьего полёта. Высота колеса обозрения составляет 135 метров. “Глаз Лондона” – одно из самых высоких колёс обозрения в мире. Лондон богат своими парками. Они очень уютные. Один из них Гайд парк. В завершение я хочу сказать, что в Лондон должен посетить каждый человек.
1. She is eating an apple. The apple is ripe. 2. I do not go to school on Sunday. 3. This woman is a typist. She works at an office.. The office is not far from her house. 4. His father is an engineer. He works at a plant. 5. Where is a table? — It is in the corner of the room, near the window. 6. Are there any flowers in thevase? 7. She lives on the fifth floor. 8. Where is cheese? — The cheese is on the plate. 9. There are plates and cups on the tea-table. 10. Is there a tea-pot on the table? Is there tea in the tea-pot? Упр. 19. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Mary is a woman of 30. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages. She is a teacher. She teachers English at school. Mary usually goes to school at quarter past eight in the morning. She spends at school four hours. She has got a son and a daughter. Her son is a boy of 5 and her daughter is a girl of 3. Mary takes her children from nursery-school in the evening.
Упр. 20. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Му sister’s son is a school-boy. He studies at school a t the... ninth form . He is a good pupil. He LEAVES (ОШИБКА) home for school at half past seven. 2. This young woman is an engineer. She works at a factory. She usually has a lot of work. Every morning she takes her daughter to school. 3. That man has two children. The first child was born 5 years ago and the second was born last year
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