to draw a picture — My little sister draws a picture.
to use a pen — I use a pen when I am writing something.
to set a channel — They set a channel.
to deliver a letter — The postman delivers letters.
to protect from enemies — They try to protect the city from enemies.
to be there — When we need him he is always there.
to invent radio — I wonder who invent radio.
to win the game — The game was over and he won the game.
to design a house — He designs a house.
to solve the problem — We try to solve the problem.
to publish a book — Tom wanted to publish a book.
to make cake — My mother made a cake.
to provide a room — They provide a room.
to find the key — At last they found the key.
to take photos — She took many photos.
to keep clean — Try to keep your room clean.
to chat with a friend — She likes to chat with her friends.
to have breakfast — We are having breakfast now.
Каныш Сатпаев,Абай Кунанбаев,Шоқан Уалиханов