Summative assessment for the unit -The world of work" Task 1. Add-ing ending to verb and translate them. -- ing warayaw mama meayapun was read - readmg - oxy write- take - I play look- swim jump
1)+ They will go to the sea on holidays. – They will not (або won't) go to the sea on holidays. ? Will they go to the sea on holidays?
2)+ His sister washes the dishes every weekend. – His sister does not ( або doesn't) wash the dishes every weekend. ? Does his sister wash the dishes every weekend?
3)+ My friend’s family had a big party at the restaurant three days ago. – My friend’s family had not ( або hadn't)a big party at the restaurant three days ago. ? Had my friend’s family a big party at the restaurant three days ago?
1.Everybody doesn't know my collection of stamps. Does everybody know my collection of stamps? 2.My collection of badges isn't famous all over the world. Is my collection of badges famous all over the world? 3.I haven't got silver coins from all the countries. Have i got silver coins from all the countries? 4.I haven't got two million stamps in my collection. Have I got two million stamps in my collection? 5.I haven't got a very expensive collection of old pictures. Have i got a very expensive collection of old pictures?
– They will not (або won't) go to the sea on holidays.
? Will they go to the sea on holidays?
2)+ His sister washes the dishes every weekend.
– His sister does not ( або doesn't) wash the dishes every weekend.
? Does his sister wash the dishes every weekend?
3)+ My friend’s family had a big party at the restaurant three days ago.
– My friend’s family had not ( або hadn't)a big party at the restaurant three days ago.
? Had my friend’s family a big party at the restaurant three days ago?