Vocabulary 4a b) 5.W3 Which of the qualities in Ex. 3 are necessary for each one of the jobs in Ex. 1 on p. 45? Write sentences, as in the example. A doctor needs to be hardworking, calm and patient.
N the rivers of Australia can be seen floating on the water a small animal. Suddenly it dives under the snag and appear in another place. This platypus-small mammal found only in Australia and Tasmania. Platypus have a small head, flattened body, short legs, a short tail. Duckbill retrieves food exclusively water, under which the long delay, while breathing lungs. He digs out mud, looking for worms there, snails, shells, puts them in the cheek pouches and selected on the shore. On the river bank, in the roots of trees and in the grass platypus burrows himself satisfied. At home two outlets - one on the beach, the other - under water. Like the birds, the platypus lays eggs, but the cubs / like all mammals, milk feeds.
I recently watched a short news report about a study in a chinese university where they tried to find out whether men are more vain than women. The researchers made appointments with their subjects to be interviewed and each has to wait in a waiting room before being interviewed. In each room there is a one way mirror where researchers can video tape the subject's action without being seen. In that study, men looked at themselves in the mirror more than the women.
б) Какое из качеств в Исх. 3
необходимы для каждой работы в
Ex. 1 на стр. 45? Пишите предложения, как в
Врач должен быть трудолюбивым, спокойным и терпеливым.