The celebration of Christmas in Britain is, first of all, the observance of interesting customs and traditions.
In Britain, Christmas is usually celebrated with the whole family.Most families have a Christmas tree , or even two. The Christmas tree is decorated with the whole family.The tradition of installing a Christmas tree was introduced to the British by Prince albert, the husband of Queen Victoria of England.Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate Christmas for 12 days, ending the holiday on the evening of January 5.
На рус.яз.
Я живу в большом доме. У меня есть своя комната. Она большая(маленькая).
Посередине комнаты у меня есть ковер. В правом углу стоит стол. В левом углу стоит шкаф. В комнате есть кровать. Рядом стоит комод.Мне нарвится моя комната.
На англ. яз.
I live in a big house. I have my own room. It is large (small).
Middle of the room, I have a carpet. In the right corner is a desk. In the left corner is a wardrobe. The room has a bed. Nearby stands komod.Mne Narvi my room.