Our friendship scrapie in centuries,
With the thought of good in their hearts and minds,
In our villages and cities,
In our glorious high mountains.
(Own composition)
Each of us are familiar with the word "friendship" and "friend." That which we call a friendship, and that what we call a friend, a lot of meaning for us.
Probably everyone has a friend, and even a few friends.
I think it is not easy to understand how friendship is strong and reliable and is it a real friend.
On this point there is a good saying Francois de Larushunkof: "People sometimes called joint pastime friendship, mutual assistance in cases of exchange of services. In short, the kind of relationship where selfishness hopes gain anything. "
Such a relationship, of course, can not be called friendship. It is a relationship of another nature.
The concept of friendship in our native Dagestan has special significance. Dagestani always famous skill firmly and faithfully to make friends.
Dagestan - a country of mountains, in which people live many different nationalities. They live all great, very friendly family. Always ready in difficult times to help a friend, neighbor, even a stranger.
It is well-known phrase "A friend in need is known."
Yes, of course it is.
Friend - the one who did not hesitate to respond in difficult times, hold out a helping hand without flinching, will give the latter without regret.
It is not just high-sounding words, but true. It is in this and should be different. It is only capable of such a sacrifice, and may be called a friend.
I recently heard one interested me the phrase: "A friend is known in joy!"
I began to think about these words. There is some truth in them.
This is a serious topic for reflection. Can someone we called friend sincerely rejoice in our successes, our happiness? Can one simply rejoice dreams?
Не согласен со следующими утверждениями. Начните свои предложения с: я не согласен с вами; вы ошибаетесь; боюсь, вы не совсем правы; извините, но я не могу с вами согласиться; Я так не думаю: 1. Она будет публиковать печатные материалы завтра в это время. 2. Мы будем смотреть телевизор сегодня вечером. 3. Вы будете ждать меня в 3 часа дня. в справочной. 4. Почтальон будет собирать письма из ящиков-столбов завтра в 8 часов. 5. он будет работать в сберегательном банке в обычное время послезавтра. 6. Они скоро отправятся в Киев. 7. Я напишу письмо сегодня вечером.
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