Say why
The two men decided to kidnap a child.
2 They selected Johnny
3. Sam and Bill were driving past Mr. Dorset house.
The boy was throwing stones at a cat.
S. The boy fought like a bear.
6 Red Chief had feathers in his hair.
7. Red Chief was going to burn Sam in the fire at sunrise.
Red Chief liked to stay in the cave.
9. Sam had an awful dream the first night with the boy in the cave.
10 Sam was awakened by terrible screams.
Bill knew no peace as long as Red Chief was with them.
12 Sam could not sleep either.
13. Sam went to the top of the mountain.
14 Bill was standing with his back to the wall when Sam retumed.
15. The two men had no fear that Red Chief would run away.
16 Bill fell across the fire.
17. Bill was getting more and more nervous.
18 Bill asked Sam to make the ransom for the boy's return less than two thousand.
19. The two men wanted to get the ransom with a messenger, and not by post.
20. On returning to the cave Sam could find neither the boy nor Bill.
21. Bill thought that Red Chief was gone.
22. Sam was afraid for Bill's mind.
23. Sam was waiting for the messenger sitting up in the tree.
24. Johnny's father wrote that the men were asking too much for his son.
25. Johnny's father advised the men to bring him back at night.
26. The two desperate men agreed to Mr. Dorset's proposal.
27. The two men thought that it was a kind proposition.
28. Johnny's father had to hold his son some ten or fifteen minutes.
29. The two men thought that it would take them that short time to cover that long distance.
30. Sam could hardly catch up with Bill
Каждый год миллионы туристов приезжают в Лондон, чтобы увидеть и услышать Биг Бен. Но что такое Биг Бен на самом деле?
Большинство считает, что Биг Бен - высокая башня с часами, которая возвышается над палатами Парламента. Но нет! Биг Бен - это не башня с часами. Это один из четырех огромных колоколов внутри башни. Его название происходит от имени комиссара работы колоколов сэра Бенджамина Холла, или Бена. Высота башни составляет 98 метров. Колокол внутри башни весит 14 тонн. Каждый из четырех циферблатов 7 метров в ширину. Длина часовых стрелок - около 3 метров, а минутных - около 4 метров.
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