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Camp America offers a variety of summer jobs for young people. Some allow you to work directly with children teaching sport, dancing or arts and require relevant qualifications. There are other jobs working with children, however, that do not require special skills or qualifications. In these roles you help to run activities and take care of children after organised events have finished.

If you do not want to work with children, there are other jobs available such as office work, laundry work and food preparation. You do not have responsibility for any children in these roles, so you often have more free time in the evenings.
You can make paper or online applications for summer camp jobs. To complete a paper application you need to write to us requesting a form, which you then need to complete and return. We will send you a list of interviewers located in your area and you need to select one to arrange a convenient time for an interview. You can apply online by visiting our 'How to Apply Section' on our main website. Here you can fill out your application form and select an interviewer.
There are certain general requirements that all applicants must meet: you must be 18 years of age or older, speak fluent English, and be able to provide two references. It is also essential that you are available for work for a minimum of nine weeks, and be able to leave for the USA no later than June 28 and return no earlier than August 24.
If you are successful at interview, we will inform you immediately where you will be working in the USA. We will also help you with your visa application. This involves attending an interview at the US embassy in your home country. You will also have to pay the embassy fee for visa applications. The fee is currently $100 but can increase without notice.
We arrange your free return flights and your transfer by bus from the airport to your summer camp. While you are working at the camp you receive pocket money and free accommodation and food. You may choose to travel around the USA once your work has finished. If you inform us, we can arrange a later return flight.
Level A
II Read the text and circle the right word for each idea.
1) This paragraph is about ….. .
a) a camp in America b) a variety of summer jobs
c) work with children d) free time in the evening
2) This paragraph is about ….
a) summer camp jobs b) a list of interviewers
c) making applications d) convenient time for interview
3) This paragraph is about …..
a) general requirements b) fluent English
c) available work d) leaving for the USА
4) This paragraph is about …..
a) successful interview b) work in the USA
c) a visa application d) the embassy fee
5) This paragraph is about …..
a) a return flight b) your transfer
c) pocket money d ) profit of working in a summer camp
Level B
Read the text and find the main idea for each paragraph.
a) It’s about general requirements for working in the camp.
b) It’s about different kinds of jobs during summer vocation.
c) It’s about the opportunities during the flight.
d) It’s about your work in the USA after the interview.
e) It’s about a proper way of applying for a job.
f) It’s about advantages of working in a summer camp.
Level C
II Read the text and find the best title for each paragraph.
a) Bonuses
b) Available jobs
c) After a successful interview
d) Extra activities
e) How to make an application
f) Important criteria

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Exercise 2

1) HE had lost HIS

2) THEY were taking THEIR

3) HIS sister was going to visit HIM

4) HE needed to buy a present for HIS

5) HE wanted ME to wash HIS car for HIM

Exercise 3

2) He said that they were working in the garden

3) She told us that they had got married.

4) She said that she would go shopping the following day

5) She said that she had bought a new car the previous week

6) They said that they weren’t doing anything the following week.

7) She told me that she couldn’t go out that night

8) He said that he had forgotten to pay the bill

9) She told me that they had bought me a present

10) She told Peter that she would phone him the following day.

4,7(64 оценок)
Kazakhstan despite the arid climate, has many rivers and lakes, which can make trips both beginners and experienced hikers-arresters. Particularly attractive routes on the mountain rivers. While traveling through the rapids rivers of Altai and Tien Shan can see dazzling white glaciers and piling boulders, the severity of coniferous forests, silvery rivers and mirror-smooth surface of the lakes. The man who visited at least once a guest of the sun and wind, can not forget the great stars in the dark night sky, mysterious whispering trees, talkative foamy rivers and streams.

Are peculiar water travel and lowland rivers in Kazakhstan.
Boating permits several problems at once: it strengthens health, physically tempers, makes it possible to see a lot of a variety of archaeological and architectural monuments that reveal the history of tribes and peoples who inhabited the ancient Kazakhstan. All this you can see, a trip on the rivers and lakes. Before you hit the road, water tourists should explore the route, familiarize yourself with the natural conditions.
Vast and varied territory of Kazakhstan: if Karagiye located near the Caspian Sea, lies 132 m below sea level, is in the southeast of the mountain peaks rise up to 6000 m and more. Our country is divided into four landscape zones: forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert and desert. The climate is dry, continental. In summer the temperature rises to 45 degrees and above, in winter drops to -50 degrees. If desert areas falls only 100-200 mm of rainfall per year, in the mountains the number reaches up to 1600 mm.
All this considerably affects the distribution of surface waters. For example, rivers and lakes more in the northern, eastern and south-eastern regions of the country, where much rain falls, and very little - in the deserts. The plains and low mountain rivers flow slowly, but in the spring time, they are full-flowing (flow passes 10-15 days). The channels have sinuous, with a slight slope, the valleys are wide, the extreme conductivity varies from year to year. Many lowland rivers are fed mainly by rainfall, and in the summer - groundwater. During this period, they are often dry, broken into stretches. Mountain river is a constant, as in the summer, they feed exclusively due to melting snow and glaciers and have a spring and summer. During this period, they held 50-60 percent of annual runoff.
4,7(80 оценок)
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