Татарстан является одной из самых многонациональных территорий России. По данным Всероссийской переписи населения 2010 года представители свыше 173 национальностей проживают на территории республики, в том числе 8 национальностей, численность населения которых превышала 10 тысяч человек: татары, русские, чуваши, удмурты, мордва, марийцы, украинцы и башкиры. Среди народов, населяющих Татарстан, преобладающие по численности населения - татары (более 2 млн. чел. или 53,2% от общей численности населения республики). На втором месте русские - более 1,5 млн. чел. или 39,7%, на третьем - чуваши (116,2 тыс. чел. или 3,1%).
1. Не (will have written) the letter by five o’clock tomorrow. 2. He (will write) a letter tomorrow. 3. We (shall have dinner) soon. 4. We (shall have had dinner) by this time tomorrow. 5. We shall have passed all our exams by the first of July. 6. I shall show him the Kremlin. 7. My friends will come to visit me. 8. He will have finished this report by the end of the day. 1. By the end of the week I will have been working here for four months. 2. By the end of this month we shall have been living together for six years. 3. By the end of the term she will have been studying for nine years. 4. By midnight we shall have been playing this computer game for 48 hours. 5. She will have been talking on the phone for the last couple of hours. 6. They will have been looking for me all night long. 7. He will have been playing soccer all day long. 8. You will have been watching TV all the time. 9. He won't have been sleeping all morning. 10. Have thy been waiting for 2 hours? 1. I shall do morning exercises. 2. He will work at a factory. 3. She will sleep after dinner. 4. We shall work part-time. 5. They will drink tea every day. 6. Mike will be a student. 7. Helen will have a car. 8. You will be a good friend. 9. You will be good friends. 10. It will be difficult to remember everything. 1. Shall I do morning exercises? 2. Will he work at a factory? 3. Will she sleep after dinner? 4. Shall we work part-time? 5. Will they drink tea every day? 6. Will Mike be a student? 7. Will Helen have a car? 8. Will you be a good friend? 9. Will you be good friends. 10. Will it be difficult to remember everything? 1. I shall not do morning exercises. 2. He will not work at a factory. 3. She will not sleep after dinner. 4. We shall work part-time. 5. They will not drink tea every day. 6. Mike will not be a student. 7. Helen will not have a car. 8. You will not be a good friend. 9. You will not be good friends. 10. It will not be difficult to remember everything.
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