Москва- столица России. Это главный культурный центр в Европе и популярное туристическое направление. Это прекрасное место место для посещения с интересными видами и удивительной архитектурой. Расположенный на Москва-реке это также один из самых исторически важных городов в мире. Этот город, являющийся домом для многих красивых зданий и достопримечательностей, ежегодно привлекает миллионы посетителей. Одно из самых известных зданий-Собор Василия Блаженного на Красной площади, в центре города. Moscow.It имеет дистивный дизайн, который совершенно уникален, и это впечатляющее зрелище. Многие туристы также посещают Кремль, который включает
Moving the stones
This summer, I was vacationing with my grandparents at the Divnomorskoe sanatorium in Gelendzhik, near the Black sea. The resort was located near the beach and was surrounded by a large Park. One morning, when my grandfather and I went swimming, we saw that the paths and grass were covered with large brown stones that were crawling somewhere in concentration. What is it? Maybe alien aliens or an invasion of nano robots?
It turned out that they were huge snails the size of a wild Apple! They were crawling busily toward the sea. When we came to the beach, we saw another flock of snails that were crawling in the other direction! All day long, hordes of snails moved around our Park. And the next day they were gone. All at once.
In memory of these mysterious giants, I have a huge shell that I found under a Bush. Maybe its owner was eaten by a Seagull, or maybe an alien alien lost his spare spacesuit