2. Form verbs from the words in brackets.
1. After the robbery, the owner of the shop decided to tighten (belt/control).
2. You need to shorten the skirt, it’s too long for you.
3. He is sure, that photos help people to memorise the best moments of their life.
4. New courses enable pensioners to use computers without anybody’s help.
5. Her aim is to enlarge the collection of coins up to 10000 units.
3. Turn the sentences into the reported speech.
1. Mary said that she had bought a new printer the day before.
2. John said that he was writing an essay at that moment.
3. Carry said the he thought the batteries were flat.
4. The policeman said that I had to wear a crash helmet.
5. My mother told me to turn off the stove.
6. Paula asked if I could change the password.
7. Tony asked what colour headphones I had chosen.
8. My parents told me not to buy useless gadgets.
4. Fill in: on, up, about, back.
1. He brought __back___ the loudspeakers he had taken yesterday.
2. New system has brought _about__ big changes in how the firm work.
3. The boys were brought _up__ by their granny.
4. Did you catch flu? What brought that _on__?
5. Fill in: at, in, under, out of, on
1. Fiona wasn’t sure __at__ first, but now she uses her new device all the time.
2. They have been thinking for a long time, and __in__ the end they’ve made up the decision.
3. Our football team can’t play well __under__ pressure.
4. He is always __on__ the laptop these days.
5. The microwave oven is ___out of__ order for a month.
I use the internet for various reasons. Nowadays, the Internet is needed for video conferencing. When I travel I need the Internet in order to translate sentences and words and also to navigate around the city. And after a hard day, I really want to watch some movie with a cup of cocoa. I also love talking to friends through a video call because you can play different games and perform actions through video. I think that the Internet is a very useful thing that has fundamentally changed the lives of people.
are swimming
can't (cannot)